Missing A Sock? Snappy Socks to the Rescue

I do not know about your dryer, but our house has a dryer that is VERY HUNGRY... At least it seems that way... every time you turn around, someone is missing a sock...   My mom pins hers together when she takes them off, but lets be honest... I am too lazy to do that... 
I recently received a surprise in the mail... 

They are from the creators of the USA DAWGS footwear, so that means they have a good foundation!  
I will tell you these Snappy Socks have a bright future... Not only are they adorable...

I for sure would not mind a pair of the USA Flag ones.. Or the low cut colorful ones that are for women.. 
But, they have the cutest ones for infants and toddlers too...

I love the ones with the Dawg paws... but in keeping with my mind being in back to school mode, aren't these loose leaf socks adorable?!

I do wonder about the price....
Infant socks start at $3.99 and they go all the way to the Men at $6.99
I know with having to buy socks for the boys , we don't buy many socks at $6.99 a pair, (as we try to buy in bulk) but I know they are higher price because of the snaps and the designs...

So, if you are looking at a one of a kind gift idea, or if you are like my mom and pin them all...
Take that hassle away and just snap them together when you are done (the snaps are built right in!)

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. 


  1. I like the idea a lot, but like you said....that's pretty pricey especially for growing feet.

  2. What a neat idea! I'm not sure I could justify the price, but the socks are very cute and fun. :)

  3. I need some of these. LOL I always have missing socks.

  4. This is a great idea for kids, if they weren't so expensive. Their socks get so dirty so fast, I don't think I would invest in it.


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