Painter With A Punch by Robert Burleigh

I have got to tell you about the coolest book I just read.  
I saw the book, George Bellows: Painter With A Punch, and I thought that it would be a perfect book for Broxton and Marc... I had no idea that I would be the one that would love it so much... Well, Marc hasn't seen it yet, so I really don't know, he might like it more than me, but probably not! 

Have you ever heard of George Bellows?  I hate to admit that with all the art classes, I was not familiar with him, although Marc was!  The book is basically like an art history book, but it is one that is exciting, not boring, as some can be!  

George Bellows was an artist that was born in the late 1800's.   He was an athlete, that decided to try living in the big city, so at the age of 22, he moved to New York!  I sure am glad he did, as through his works, we can see so many things!  This book shows us his life, but not with photos or a long boring story, but rather through his art work!  George Bellows shows us New York. Not all the bright busy things that we picture today, but the hustle and bustle of daily life back in the early 1900's.  
Besides that, George Bellows shows us an underground scene that is pretty remarkable! (The reason I thought Marc would like this... Boxing!)  I guess back in the day, boxing was underground and the "saloons" became "clubs" so that they could hold events for their "members!"    George would watch a match and then race home to put the art on canvas!  

As I said, I really enjoyed this way of introducing artists to Broxton and to be honest, I can not wait to show him other notable artists this way!  I have actually googled the author, Robert Burleigh and I can not wait to see about getting more of his books!  

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