What a Silly Monster - Marlow and The Monster

Broxton mentions monsters from time to time, but we always talk about them being fake, so he has never really been scared about them before...   There have been times when the boys are here that they try and scare him, but I remind them that I do not want to be up with him having nightmares, so I would appreciate them NOT doing that... At that point they normally stop and go back to playing other fun things...
When I was approached about reviewing the book, Marlow and the Monsters, I was excited... 
As I love having back up books to help me get my point across when dealing with Broxton. (Not to mention that gives me a perfect excuse to cuddle and read with him!)

I really enjoyed the book and I think Broxton liked it too.... 
He would run off acting all silly when I got to the parts with the monster talking... but then he would quickly run back to me once I was done with his part... 
I loved this story, as it was not a "typical" monster story...
The Parents did say that monsters are not real... but the book was not centered on a scary monster or anything... It was quite a moment... 
The monster wasn't scary at all to Marlow, he was ANNOYING!  
The monster would appear and annoy Marlow... Then, Marlow would call his parents in... they would tell him the monster was fake.. night after night... 
Finally, Marlow had enough and took the monster to his little sister... Of course, Marlow got in trouble for scaring his little sister, but that isn't all that happened... 
HIS SISTER pointed out that the monster was quite funny!  

Not only was the story cute and not what you expect, I fell in LOVE with the design of the whole book... 
The pages are in black in white, like a drawing, but the monster?  Well, he is always fun and in bright colors... I personally think that adds to the fact that the monster is NOT scary at all!  

Through the 17th of this month, you can head over to get Marlow and The Monster on Ebook for FREE.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. The pictures look wonderful in this book.

  2. I read that if monsters become too much of a problem you can make a monster spray. Just mix water and a spice you like. Then spray it around their room to keep the monsters away.

    A night light and telling Isaak that there is no such thing as monsters worked for us.

  3. Great review! I will definitely be checking this out for my 4 year old son! THANKS! :)


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