What Do You Know About Ethiopia?

Honestly, do you know very much about Ethiopia?
We were sent the latest DVD from the World Together collection and I was eager to watch it...
I admit, I do not know much about other area's.
Truthfully, I had no clue WHERE Ethiopia was before I watched this...
(It borders Sudan, Somalia and Kenya .)
While watching this area, I was able to learn about the different area's...
Each section of the DVD represents a different area of the country.
I busted out laughing when they said something about being full of surprises, or not knowing what you were going to see... Something along those lines... because they then showed traffic with cars riding down the road and then someone running behind chasing like 4 big cows!  
I know I will not be heading to Ethiopia for vacation anytime soon, but I tell you this...
This DVD showed us BEAUTIFUL churches (800 years old) carved into rock!
Not to mention the beautiful historical area...
Wow... If I could go take pictures of that area, it would be AWESOME!
I really enjoyed learning this and it will be great to show it to Broxton when he gets older and can understand more about other area's of geography!
Then, in Ethiopia, travel to this country – twice the size of Texas – that is believed to have the longest archaeological record on Earth and to have been present at the dawn of creation.  It’s also been linked to the mysterious Queen of Sheba.  With many areas lush and green, the region has also suffered many droughts, but the economy is still dominated by agriculture.  Featured cities include Harar, Addis Ababa, Gonder and Lalibela, the last featuring 800-year-old Christian churches, some carved into volcanic rock.

They currently have West Africa, East Africa and Ethiopia available.
Future DVD's will include: CubaTibet,Ecuador and Colombia.
Best part?  Each DVD comes with a teachers guide you can download!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. The World Together Collection sounds very educational and entertaining for the whole family.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com


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