I See A New Craze... Text Bands

Are you kidding me?  I think I may have heard it all now...
Did you know that Hallmark has recently come out with "text bands?"

Yes!!!  Let me try and tell you ...
It is these watch like bracelets...
You start off with a basic purple or black base..  but they have a good amount of bands so you can buy them and match your personality, style or clothing for the day!  (More than one way to make a statement with these text bands!)  You enter up to 10 characters... and then you bump hands, high five or whatever you want...
AND THEN........................

Well, of course, your friend needs to have a bracelet like you do... but that just sounds like loads of fun with kids!!!!  Doesn't it?  This would be great to give to your child... and then give them an extra.. Maybe they can give it to their best friend... or boyfriend / girlfriend...
I think this is just the coolest!!!!  If you have more than one child, maybe this would be a Christmas gift to bring them together as they could pass inside jokes between one another... 

Visit Hallmark to see where you can purchase a text band for someone you know...

I think the bracelet letting you "text" your friends is pretty neat...
But I LOVE the fact that they have made games out of them too..
You can play "tag" with it.. but my favorite is going along with the ZOMBIE craze...
Just head over to see what text band games they have created and see if you can think of more!!

I have seen the Text Bands all over the Internet and lucky for everyone looking to purchase them, they are displayed right at the check out counters at the Hallmark stores up here near us. 
As I said, I think they are pretty neat... and sure to make a statement! 
This would make a great stocking stuffer!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I've never heard of these before, but how cute for kids that are too young for a phone. They can talk to each other via text like the big kids without the expense.
    I like the purple. =)


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