Movie 43 Movie #Review

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

It has been hard to have movie nights lately...
Not sure what is going on with Broxton but he is extra clingy and will not be in the other room without me... So, it makes it hard to watch anything that might be a bit inappropriate for him...
When I read the synopsis of Movie 43, I was thinking it was a movie that I might find hilarious (but then again, I see my enjoyment changing in my movie choices, so I am not sure yet)  I tried to watch a few minutes with him in the same room... but that is like telling a kid NOT to play with a room of toys... He had to see what I was doing...
The movie starts with Kate Winslet on a blind date that is just WRONG!  Ha ha ... I found it pretty dumb, but I was also cracking up laughing at the same time... Maybe it was how she was handling it all...maybe it was the different scenarios being shown... either way, it was stupidly funny... but not for Broxton in the room... So, I put it up and plan to watch again when he isn't so clinging and needing me 24/7.
Until then...  Check out the cast...  I mean HOW AWESOME is it?!  
Oh, I will tell you this... It isn't that the whole cast interacts with one another... it is like several movies wound into one...   other than that... you have to see for yourself!

You’ve never seen anything quite like Movie 43... The year’s most outrageous and daringly original comedy, featuring the ultimate star-studded cast. No inappropriate storyline is off limits...including a “ballsy” blind date, a middle school “period” piece, and more. Please don’t sue us if you die laughing.

Special Features:

Blu-ray & DVD
 Theatrical Trailer

Blu-Ray Exclusive Features
 Find Our Daughter

Cast Includes:
 Peter Farrelly (Director)
 Hugh Jackman
 Seth MacFarlane
 Justin Long
 Dennis Quaid
 Greg Kinnear
 Emma Stone
 Kate Winslet
 Liev Schreiber
 Naomi Watts
 Anna Faris
 Gerard Butler
 Halle Berry
 Terrence Howard
 Elizabeth Banks
 Richard Gere
 Kate Bosworth
 Kristen Bell
 Jason Sudeikis
 Josh Duhamel
 Uma Thurman

Does this seem like a movie you would be interested in?  


  1. Lots of big names, that's for sure, and I love Kate Winslet!


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