Zing Up That Water @ZingAnything

FTC Compliant Review Policy: 
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Have I got a product to tell you about...  If you know us, or have been around Jumpin Beans, You will know that Marc is pretty much against water...   I don't know why, but he just does not like it...  Well, Broxton is like most kids... and he follows our lead... So, he isn't one to ask for it..  but he will drink it if that is the only option.  
I was recently given the chance to review the Citrus Zinger from Zing Anything... and I will say it LOUD.... IT IS A LIFE SAVER!!!   Water is an enjoyed beverage here now!!!!
Have you heard of Zing Anything?  
It is a company that lets your creative juices flow... literally!!!

With the Citrus Zinger, it is divided into a couple different parts...
You have the lid - that screws onto - the main part (that holds the water)- that has a "juicer" that screws into it- that has the base bottom that screws into it.
If you look in the picture, the GREEN parts are what screws on and off.  

The first time I used it, I added a lemon for me to try out...
I was in heaven (I can drink some lemon water like it's no ones business!)
Then, I figured Broxton was starting soccer, so I wanted to see how he would do with it...
I made it with an orange and he LOVED it!

Want to hear something pretty cool?  It was hot as anything and Marc wanted some of the water...  (He had NO OTHER option!)  He drank it and was immediately surprised at how good it was!  He was all "wow... I LOVE the orange flavor added to it...  It was a nice surprise!"  
So, we have now taken this bottle to some of the karate practices (I normally just grab a plain water bottle and Broxton drinks very little.  As I write this out, I notice this is calling me out to start carrying the ZING bottle! )
We take it to ALL the soccer practices / games...
I was SO HAPPY to see that Broxton drank the ENTIRE bottle of water... and wanted more...
So, now... I carry the Zing Bottle and then a back up water bottle to add to it...
I love it too, so this way I don't feel bad if I have a sip or two, these games get hot!!!
The awesome thing about the Zing Anything is that it is SO easy to take apart... and clean... not to mention you can add whatever you want to it to make the drink of your choice.  The mouth is wide enough to fit ice cubes in there, but also small enough that you can enjoy your drink without worrying about spilling it all over you!  (or you can do it like their pictures and use the really wide opening to add the ice... totally up to you!)
If you are one that needs to drink more water (don't we all!)  Or if you want to add a bit of Zing to your day...   I say head on over and order you a Citrus Zinger today!! They also have other products, so check out what it best for you!  Don't forget, Christmas isn't too far away... This would make a great Secret Santa gift... Or stocking stuffer... or just a great gift idea in general!  
Follow Zing Anything on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. The Zing Anything would be perfect for me because I don't like the taste of plain water.

  2. Oh, I love this! I need to drink more water, and this would help so much by adding some flavor to the water.

  3. My mother in law uses this and she swears by it, I've been dying to try it! Looks great!


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