Can you dig it? We can dig it! Handtrux review!

We had planned to go to the beach or something this year...
My aunt has a place and we wanted to go to get away for a few days...
But, it just did not work out for us.

I was excited, as Broxton hasn't seen sand since he was just a baby...
Also, we had a new toy for review and I was ready to play and have a blast with it!
What new toy would make it for a road trip?
Well, the crazy HandTrux!!!!
Have you see this thing?

If you live anywhere that your kid can dig...
Or you go to the beach/mountains...
This is something you have got to add to your wish list!

Basically, you just put your arm in it...
and your hand holds onto this little bar.
You then use it like your hand, but it is also like a backhoe!

Living in an apartment, we had no where to try it out.
So, when we went to visit my parents, we got to use it for a bit...

I pulled it out and let Broxton play in the dirt with it...
Now, my mom was worried we were going to dig the whole back yard up.
(The yard is grass, so it would not have looked great with big holes in it!)
So, we played for a few minutes!

At first, I used it to show Broxton how it would work.
He was playing with his cars and this allowed for a quick road to be made!
Then, he decided that he wanted to give it a try to see what mess he could make:
He enjoyed it, but it would have been so much more fun at the beach or in a sandbox.
Playing with it trying to dig in that hard South Georgia dirt just did not quite cut it!
No worries though, he likes just playing with it in general (It can move cars!), so the added treat of using it in the sand/dirt/snow/mud will be extra special!

Right now, HandTrux is holding a pretty sweet contest!
Now, until September 30, 2011 if you upload your best sand sculpture photos...
You can enter to win!
I mean, hey...
If you are already having fun at the beach, why not enter your photo to win?

Looking for a great gift for the kids in your life?
Think about Handtrux!!!!
Please follow HandTrux on Facebook and Twitter.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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