LOL- Crazy Things Parents Text - Review

I can remember when texting first started...
I absolutely loved it!
It was easy to text and ask a question.
No need for long conversations when a simple yes or no would work.
Or, if you were running late...
Just send a quick text and keep getting ready.
No need to slow down.

Then, my brother taught my mom how to text.
At first it was just a text here and there...
Now, she thinks she is the text queen!
(Love ya mom!)
My brother at times wonders why he taught her, and then we laugh.

She is the one that will text 7 questions at once.
Never, EVER does she use any of the slang terms / abbreviations.
Although you will occasionally get the "K."
That is the extent.
Truth be told, she probably knew about the website, Crazy Things Parents Text, and she did not want to end up on there...
As if.. Yeah, she was probably right!

I was able to review the Crazy Things Parents Text book and I tell you, I was cracking up the whole time.
Granted, there were some that I can just not even believe would take place between a child and a parent, but then there were others that had me reading them to Marc!!!
I even called my brother to let him know I had a book for him to read!
(No, he isn't a reader, but he does need the "bathroom book" as he finished the last one I gave him! it was about John Daly, if you were wondering.)
So, this book...

It really is easy to read and I finished it at the gym.
I took it to read while I was on on the treadmill.
Most pages are like simulated snapshots of the phone screen with a conversation on it.
That takes up a whole page.
Or, it will have one or two conversations on a page.
Like I said, easy and quick to read.

I will say, it isn't for everyone, as there are several sexual references, but if you can get past that, you will be laughing like I was!

Bottom line, most people will crack up at it, but not everyone will...
Totally depends on the person.
I know that I laughed... and Marc laughed at the ones I read him.
I believe that my brother will laugh too!
My parents? Maybe, but probably not!

Have a kid in college? Buy it!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. That is so funny. My kids are always making fun of my texting; I'm slow but I am learning the language.


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