Post-It Brand Keeps Popping Up!!!

I remember when I first saw the different colored Post-Its!
I was at my dad's office and I thought it was just the neatest thing!
They were no longer just yellow!

Another time, I noticed that they now came in this little black dispenser.
The paper was accordion type and it was just so neat to see it come out!

The Post-It Brand keeps popping up with new and creative items that make a momma proud!
Long gone are the days of simple yellow sticky sheets...
Now, you can get an assortment of fun colors!
Not only the color has changed, but you can also get the super sticky!
(Have you seen the commercial with the dog hanging from it, trying to get the Post-It down?!)

I was recently sent a box of goodies full of Post-It Products and I was totally FLOORED by all they offer.
I have turned into my mom by needing to have a pad of paper on the fridge.
She uses hers for grocery lists...
but, I use mine for everything...
Note taking, scratch paper for Broxton, grocery lists...
You name it.

It was so exciting and I am sure for all you back to school shopping moms, you would have to grab a couple of these for you.
Or, if you are one to make cute gifts for the teachers, these are wonderful supplies!!!!

I had no clue what all Post-It now makes!
I will say that I think that my dad must have stock in Post-Its as they use tons of their products!
From the Post-It Notes to the Post-It Flags...

For back to school ease:
Post-It makes Labels!
They have Labels that you can label all of your storage containers with.
They also have cute Name Labels, "Hello, My name is Noelle!"
Also, they have labels to help with your notebooks.
We always just wrote on our notebooks in marker...
A couple weeks in, the "labeling" had faded!

For your home office, they now have these Post-It Pockets!
I think these are just about the coolest!
You just peel and post on the wall...
Put your bills/outgoing mail in there!

To help you stay organized, you can also purchase the Post-It Daily planner.
It is a sheet that has a say of the week sectioned off for you to write down what needs to be done.
Post It Style!
Oh, they even have pens with built in flags in them!

Check out all the Post It Products that are now available!
On that note, I am off to go explore and see what all they sent us...
(Broxton loves the see through Back Pack!)

I love post its, as you can tell if you look at my desk!
Post-Its are my lifesaver!
From appointments to blog information...
Oh, have you heard of the people that are now decorating cars with Post-Its?
LoL, a friend of mine posted her car the morning after her friends got her car!
Too funny!!!
See, the options are endless!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. It looks like Christmas!

  2. There's something so inherently wonderful with Post-its! I LOVE them!

  3. I'm with BV... I just LOVE Post-Its. I just got some with hysterical sayings on it from Maxine - LOVE her, too.
    I would have adored the package you got, happy dance, enjoy your booty!
    The Shewbridges of Central Florida

  4. awesome - do a giveaway


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