Does Your Little One Listen? We Are Teaching With @hbwigglebottom

I am so excited for Broxton to start school soon.  I know I will miss him and it will be harder on me sending my baby off to school than him going to meet new people and learn new things...
One of my main concerns right now is that Broxton has a problem listening.  Now, he can hear just fine (hearing test for school showed that was true) He has what my mom likes to call selective hearing.  It must be inherited, as I have it, my brother has it, my parents have it, Marc has it and the other boys do too!

When I heard of the Howard B. Wigglebottom books, I was excited to show Broxton that other kids also do no listen, but that they do LEARN to listen.  I want him to know how to listen for several reasons.
One, it will make it easier at home for all of us. 
Two, it will be easier when we go out in public.
Three, he will get more opportunities, if he can show that he can listen!
Four, listening will allow him to learn more.
Five, by listening, he will allow those around him to learn too!
The list can go on and on, but you get what I am saying.

Let me tell you this, I am so loving these Howard B. Wigglebottom books!
When I learned that we would have the chance to review one, I had Broxton come sit in my lap and we looked/listened to each book.  (You can visit the wedolisten site to see all of the books.)
There are currently 10 Howard B. Wigglebottom books available with a new book coming soon!
Also, right now,they have books on sale for only $6 each. 
Yes, you read that right... $6 per HARDBACK book!
I am not sure how long this is going to last, so head on over and grab them while you can!

On to the book... 
In Howard B. Wigglebottom, Howard has a small problem..
He does NOT listen.
He is always getting in trouble at school for this...
No matter what is going on, from his teachers to his friends, Howard just will not listen!
It got to the point that he ended up having to go to Time Out.
(Yep, Broxton has been there before.)
It was during time out that he finally learned to listen.
He then began to listen and you know what?
He was rewarded for listening... By listening to his mom, he had extra time, so he was allowed a bit longer to play!  Little things make a big difference, so that was great!
Besides enjoying this book, I really loved how it is geared for younger kids and they even had questions in the back to help you discuss the story.
One thing was asking how the other kids must feel in class when Howard was being a distraction by not listening. It was good to ask this and then to talk to Broxton about how they might be upset since they were missing story time since the teacher was having to get Howard to settle down.
Broxton just kept telling me that Howard needed to listen, but when I tried to point out how BROXTON needed to listen, he tried to say he did!  (I can see that we will need to work on this book a bit more!)

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. 

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  1. We are working on listening at my house too.

  2. I would get the Listens to his heart book.

  3. Yup, listening and obedience are the 2 major battles at this house! Can be very tiring!

  4. I like the Learns about Sportmanship book.

  5. I like Howard B. Wiggle bottom and the Power of Giving

  6. I would pick Listens to His Heart : )

  7. Listens to His Heart


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