What DID Happen To Oz? After The Wizard

I know pretty much everyone has watched The Wizard of Oz at some point or another in their life, right?
Even now, at over 40 years old.. whenever it comes on, Marc will normally stop and watch part of it, if not all of it.  It is just a timeless classic that is sure to be around for FOREVER.
With that in mind, I was eager to see the movie, After the Wizard.  With a tag line of "Where One Story Ends, Another Begins." you are curious as to what will happen.  
In this movie, we meet a little girl that is living in an orphanage.  The lady that runs the orphanage calls her "Elizabeth" but she is constantly correcting her, claiming that her name is "Dorothy."  

I can not honestly say if I recommend the story or not... 
It has pro's and yes, it has con's.... 

I was not a huge fan of the acting.  You can tell that this was not a multi million dollar budget film, but they try with all their heart and soul to make it seem that way.  That is very much evident.  
If you can get past the acting and the fact that it is a lower budget film, you will love the story.  
I think that this is one story that more need to hear, so that alone will probably be one that makes it more apt for me to possibly recommend.  
The movie lets you get a glimpse of the Lion.. who still has his courage and it is nice to see...
What you do get is the chance to follow The Tin Man and The Scarecrow throughout the movie.  
They take a hot air balloon, leaving Oz on a mission to find Dorothy. (Remember, that is how she left Oz at the end of the story.)  Their hot air balloon ends up NO WHERE NEAR Kansas... but it was SO CUTE!  
They come upon a school yard and seeing kids in the play-area, they are curious as to what the "munchkins" did to end up in jail!  I was laughing at that one.. 
Come to find out, they are in New Jersey... At this point they meet the school teacher, get to sit in on a class, learn from the kids and teacher and also get to teach them as well!  (This was especially enjoyable to me... to show kids how although everyone is different and from some place else, we can all learn from one another.) 
They then take a train and a bus on their search for Dorothy.  While on the train, they meet a wise old man.... from Georgia! (Gotta love us Southerners!)  He is blind, but that is nothing to worry about, as they quickly discuss how everyone is different... What was awesome was what he said... He was talking about how he was glad he loved books.  The Tin Man and The Scarecrow asked how he could read if he could not see... He then proceeded to tell them about Braille and how through reading SO MANY THINGS WERE POSSIBLE.  He said that through reading, he was able to see things he would have never seen, visit places he would never go and meet people he would never meet other wise.  
I loved this and perhaps moments like this through the movie are why I continued to watch it.  

I am not going to give the story away, so I will end with that... 
As I said, if you can get past some things, the story line is so worth watching....

What do YOU think happened to Oz? 

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. 


  1. I'd love to read this. I'm a fan of the Wizard of Oz. Have you ever seen Heartless - The Story of the Tin Man? It's short and you can watch it here: http://vimeo.com/11431902

    They also have pop-up books from the Wizard of Oz. I love the illustrations: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0689817517?tag=httptheapelbl-20&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=0689817517&adid=17TSK7G3KJF0THB6HJE4&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Ftheapels.blogspot.com%2F2010%2F07%2Fheartless-story-of-tin-man.html


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