Athletes want @MissionAthlete under the tree this year! #JBGiftGuide

Looking for a "cool" gift?  Have you thought about the different products that Mission AthletesCare line has?  From hats to towels, socks and more.. They really do have you covered. We were lucky enough to get several of their amazing products for review and Broxton and daddy had to get right to it.  Broxton had been wanting to spend a day with daddy, so they headed out to hike and do other "outdoorsy" things.  They packed their bag, got the supplies they needed and even got wristbands to make sure they were prepared!  I took tons of photos of them getting ready... then my phone died and all photos were lost.  Mom fail there, I know!  Talk about being upset.. Yeah, I still am.

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

As you know, we have very athletic children in the family. One of Marc's boys is at college on a soccer scholarship, another is killing it on the field in football and Broxton is all about basketball these days.  Knowing that, I knew that I had to make sure that they had products from the Mission AthleteCare Enduracool line under the tree for them this year!   (Doesn't help that when we saw the products in Academy Sports we all had to stop and ooh and ahh over them!)  If they only knew!   I was ready!!!

When the towel is soaked in water, wrung out and snapped, the instant cooling technology is activated to chill the fabric’s surface temperature by up to 30 degrees. The user can then place the towel around their neck and the fabric will keep them cool, comfortable and dry. The towel comes in a variety of colors and patterns to suit everyone’s taste. It is compact enough to put in your child’s backpack or sports bag and is fun to use!

Marc has had a few of these different brands over the years.  They are great when you are cutting grass, running, anything where you get hot.  These are amazing!  

Mission AthleteCare has so many products to choose from!  They have wristbands, headbands, socks, hats, sleeves, you name it. I know our soccer star always wears a headband out on the field, so this will be great for him! (See how there is a white print on the far right? It is grey, but is REFLECTIVE!) 

Like I said, so many great products!  I know that these are "cooling" products and since it is Christmas time, many aren't thinking about that.  With them being in South Georgia, it never really gets that cold.  (The other day it was 48* here and it was 78* down there.)  Either way, as active as they all are, they need a way to stay cool while being active.  I love that there are so many products available from Mission AthleteCare.  I do want to look at getting the beanie for Marc. Being outside for work up here where it does get cool, this would be great for him!  

Are you familiar with this line?  Do you need / use cooling products when you are working out?


  1. This is great for athletic types. It's always good to have a variety of gifts under the tree.

  2. Oh we'd be thinking about it down here. We're south of you and it's still hawt (not that I'm complaining!)


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