The perfect gift for a smartphone photographer

You know how you see something and you want it really, REALLY bad?  You get it and you are so excited...   then BOOM-- things happen?  Yeah, that is totally what happened with me.  I have been seeing people posting awesome pictures from their phone using Limelens smartphone lenses and I knew I just had to have it.  I was so lucky to get to review one for you guys...  Then, my phone lens cracked and I could not use my camera... so I had to postpone it.  Finally got a new (refurbished) phone and was all excited, boom... it broke... got a new (refurbished) phone and again... BROKE. Can you tell I am not having much luck?  Anyways, I wanted to tell you about Limelens, so I am sharing, but I don't have photos to show from my experience.  Stay tuned...  on instagram... I am NOT giving up!  
FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

Limelens offers superior quality smartphone lenses with a greater choice of photo angles, framing and composition. The Thinker, a dual macro/wide lens, and The Captain, a 190 fisheye lens, are the must have tools for any novice to expert photographer snapping away on their smartphone. 

  • Versatile attachment compatible with 40+ devices whilst ensuring the lens is stable and is easily attached and removed.
  • Ability to take photographs with wider angles, in order to capture all elements of their photograph.
  • Capture incredible details of their subject, of which a smartphone camera alone could never accomplish.
  • Provides smartphone photographers with a sense of community, encouragement and inspiration for their projects, no matter their distance, experience level or ability.

The Limelens introductory Set includes both lenses as well the Limeclip attachment that fits over 40 devices, including leading smartphones and tablet brands. Available for $49.  Checking compatibility can be done here
I can not wait to actually get to use this on my phone.  The fact that it works with so many different phones makes it so much better, since they had to change that up on me as well!
Do you have a Limelens?  Did you know they made lenses like this for smartphones?


  1. Sorry about your phone being broken, but this lens sounds pretty cool! I'll look into it for the hubs

  2. I didn't even know they made this kind of thing!! All of my grown kids would love this one.

  3. I have an extra set of phone lenses. I'm giving them to my nephew. I already have a set.

    My screen broke on my phone. :( I got one of those billfold holder cases. It seems to help to protect it more. I also don't carry it in my pocket anymore.


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