Scooby Doo Mystery Workshop

Remember how I told you that Broxton has decided that he is a big Scooby doo fan? 
Well, he is going to be getting a couple Scooby doo gifts for Christmas from my parents...  and now, I have learned of the great Scooby Mystery Workshop!   It is a great website for kids to go and click to make a "wish list" for what all they want for Christmas that is Scooby Related.
I had to head over and check out the website.  We are already finished Christmas shopping, but Broxton does have a birthday in February, so we can plan ahead! 
I had NO CLUE what all they had as far as Scooby Doo Products!!!
I figured they would have the plush toys, but I had no clue all the other items!
The Mystery Workshop actually has 50 items that kids can click on and add to their wish list.
(Plush toys to ornaments, figurines to bedding!!!!)
Then, you just let them click and add them to the list.. After that, you can choose to print the list...
Or you can email it!
What a great way for parents and grandparents to know exactly what to get them!!!!!
After you let them pick their wish list, hang around and let them play a game or vote on a great gift idea for the gang from Scooby!!!!

Check out the site to see what all they have available! 
“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Scooby-Doo. I received a product sample to thank me for participating”


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