A Christmas Tree Miracle - Available December 3rd

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Just in time for the holidays....
Green Apple Entertainment will be releasing "A Christmas Tree Miracle" on DVD and Video on Demand December 3rd, 2013.
We were sent an advance copy for review and I was excited to see the movie...
(I love Christmas movies!!!)

When the movie started, I will admit that I was a bit put off by the acting... It seemed as though it could have been better, but as the story unfolded, I realized that I was paying no attention to the acting and was following the story...  and I am so glad I did!!!! ( I did fall in love with the little girl that played Nina... I see her going places...  She just made you feel the part!)

A Christmas Tree Miracle is about a family that seems self absorbed... and not paying any attention to ANYTHING around them...  All but Nina!  I loved it and thought it was a great movie to get us in the Christmas spirit!!!

For the George family - accustomed to the luxuries of a privileged suburban life - Christmas has become a season of taking rather than giving.  With dad pre-occupied with work. mom on edge and self-involved teens, Nick and Natalie, fixated on their ever-growing wish lists, the youngest is the only one with any true Christmas spirit.  
When their dad loses his job just before the holidays, the family ignores the severity of the situation and continues to live above their means .  When the consequences catch up with them, they are left with nothing and nowhere to turn.  
Taken in by an eccentric Christmas tree farmer, the family learns that miracles can come true... if you believe!  A warm-hearted tale reminding us that the best gifts are the simple ones... all year long.  


  1. I've seen movies like that too, that engross you once you start watching them. :) Thank you for the review.

  2. The storyline really does sound great and I'd love to see this! I'll just have to look past the acting like you did, LOL!


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