Atlanta Shopping at #EmoryPoint

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If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that a few of us local Atlanta bloggers had the chance to have a meet up a few days ago... We were headed to take a tour of Emory Point. While there, I determined that I do not get out that much anymore, as many places were new to me...I had heard of some, but had been to none.   Today, I am going to tell you about some of the places we got to learn about. 
First up, let me tell you a little about Emory Point.  
I will admit, having lived in Atlanta for over 15 years, I am not one to really travel around Atlanta.  I know my surrounding area and can use GPS to get me places, but as far as knowing all the hidden gems Atlanta has to offer, I am still learning...  and to me, Emory Point was a hidden gem that I was totally unfamiliar with!!!!   They have been there a little over a year now and as Megan stated, "It's only going to get bigger."   It is near Emory University (hence the name) and to me, it seemed to be off the beaten path, as far as not directly off the highway... at least not from my GPS.  Visit their site to see what they are near. 

Emory Point - Shopping on bottom, apartments on top!
Emory Point is going for the byline of "Indulge.  Dine.  Dwell."  
What does that mean for you and I?
Indulge - there are lots of shopping venues to choose from.  From chain stores such as Jos. A Bank and Loft to stores that I had never heard of such as Fabrik and American Threads.
Dine - They had several places to choose from and you could spend a day there eating all the different food options.  
Dwell - They have apartments available for rent above the retail space below.  I do believe they said they were at 95% capacity.. but if this is where you want to live (and who wouldn't if you want to be in that area)  no need to worry, they are currently in Phase 2 of a new Emory Point with even MORE retail and living areas!!!!

Plenty of open spaces for spending the day enjoying beautiful weather!
If you are worried about parking, they do have street (metered) parking directly in front of select stores, but what is better is that they have a parking deck!  Free parking for the first 2 hours (if you get there before 5) and free parking for the first 3 hours (after 5 pm.)  
Emory Point will soon start " Thursday Tidings" where they will have carolers, hot chocolate and more for enjoyment...   From 5-8 p.m. every Thursday during the holidays!  

Information sign so you can get just where you need to go, if you are in a hurry.. But I highly recommend just taking your time and enjoying all the stores!

Okay, so I bet you want to know what all is there...
I will give you a somewhat round up of what all we saw while we were there for our tour.

Up first, we got to visit The General Muir

I will for sure be going to check them out again.  This was totally new to me.   Jennifer, the owner, also owns the West Egg, for those of you familiar with that.  The General Muir is a restaurant that basically has two areas.  One area is more of a walk up and order deli,  they had beautiful cakes that I wanted to indulge in right then, but since it was like 10 am, I thought against it... They did offer us a couple of tasty breakfast items and I really did enjoy that!  The Deli area is open from 7 am to 5:30 pm daily and they sell locally roasted coffee.
But then, you walk past a rather nice sized bar (with quite the selection of spirits) and you come to the other side of The General Muir...  The dining room.  I thought it was neat that they have a semi open kitchen area, it is right by the dining area and they have a wall around it, to keep the noise from disturbing patrons, but the top half is glass....  I thought that was so cool!   
The kitchen area of The General Muir. 
Make sure to check out the hours that The General Muir Dining Room is Open.  

Now that your taste buds are watering from seeing The General Muir...
A couple other places to touch on:  

Sweet Monkey - Cupcakes and Frozen Yogurt at the same place... that sounds AWESOME! 
Jazmin Spa - They have beauty care products for sale and offer massages.  
Lizard Thicket - A locally owned boutique.  
Strippaggio - A store that sells locally made Olive Oil and other gift items!

They also have a CVS (pharmacy), Carriage Cleaners (dry cleaning) and Solar Dimensions (tanning salon)  all in the retail area!  
Just some of the collection offered at Francesca's
Francesca's - this was a cute and funky boutique that offers all sorts of gift ideas for everyone you might need to buy for.  From clothing and accessories to different gift ideas that show you put thought into it!!!  

Trendy Fabrik has a great selection of cute clothing!!!

Fab'rik - This store has marketing down to a science!
Hall Pass Tuesdays - Student I.D. gets you 15% off 
Bride Brag- Register your wedding day and you get 20% off all purchases until the big day!!
You can also throw a "RockStar Party" where you and 10 or more of your closest friends get to have a private party there - from 7-9 p.m.   If they have new inventory, you can check it out before it hits the store floor!  (Call for more information on all of these.)  If memory serves me correctly, we were told that they try to stay affordable with nothing being over $100 except for their denim collection.  

This is just part of what Emory Point has to offer!
Come back tomorrow to see the rest of our tour!!!
Make sure to follow me on Instagram, there are even more pictures there!  


  1. This place sounds awesome!! Definitely have to check it out if we ever make it back to GA

  2. I used to work down the street from Emory, but I retired and haven't been back to that area in a few years. I didn't know Emory Point existed! What a great shopping area!

  3. Thanks for sharing about this.

    I'd love to try one of those parking meters sometimes. I'm scared to try! :)

  4. This does sound like a gem of an area!! And free parking is a BIG deal in a big city. We paid $26 for an hour of parking in Chicago last summer, oy!


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