Barney's Most Huggable Moments

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As Broxton gets older, I realize more and more that my little boy is growing up.  Each day, I see things -  how he is changing in his likes and dislikes and how he is a big boy now.   I tried long enough to try and hold on to Barney moments... I know he teaches kids things and there is just something about that big Purple Dino!!!  
If you have a Barney fan at your house... Head on and grab the latest DVD - Barney:  Most Huggable Moments.  It is a 2 DVD set and will make kids of all ages smile!!!!


In this Super-Dee-Duper collection of the most huggable moments, Barney brings preschoolers on journeys big and small and reminds everyone that they’re special just the way they are! Barney shows Ryan that he doesn’t need to pretend to be someone else to be popular, and teaches Myra that her name isn’t the only thing that makes her unique. He helps Baby Bop discover meaningful ways to be a good friend, and BJ and Riff give new meaning to the word teamwork. Come along for the most huggable, lovable and memorable moments with Barney and his friends as they share, learn and grow together!

·        “A Friend Like You” Karaoke Music Video
·        “Everyone Is Special” Karaoke Music Video
·        “Being Together” Karaoke Music Video
·        “The Friendship Song” Karaoke Music Video
·        “Best of Friends” Karaoke Music Video


  1. My daughter was such a big Barney fan. I thought the show was great, the songs were always real catchy.

  2. I swear I didn't know Barney hadn't gone extinct! Kids love the purple fella, I guess. :)

  3. I guess my kids used to watch Barney at my parent's house a lot.


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