The Cheeky One - Thomas and Friends FULL LENGTH MOVIE

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Calling all Thomas Fans!!!  Thomas and Friends are in a brand new Feature Length Movie!  Thomas and Friends - King of the Railway!!!
I know kids of all ages love the "cheeky one" and would love to have this under the tree this year!!!


Join Thomas & Friends as they embark on a legendary movie adventure! The steam team’s quest begins when a special guest arrives on Sodor with a big surprise and important jobs for Thomas, Percy and James. The engines meet new friends and discover suits of armor; coats of arms and legends of long-ago heroes. Then their bravery is put to the test when their new friend Stephen goes missing. Will Thomas find him in time? Will the engines discover the truth about theIsland of Sodor’s biggest mystery? It’s a crusade of knightly proportions for Thomas & Friends in this epic movie!

·        It's Gonna Be a Great Day Karaoke Music Video
·        Searching Everywhere Karaoke Music Video
·        Working Together! Karaoke Music Video
·        Guess Who? Puzzles


  1. This sounds like such a good movie! My grandson would love it! I've already bought way too many Thomas and Friends items, specifically trains, for my grandson this holiday season! He loves Thomas.

  2. I just happen to know the world's biggest Thomas fan. I'll have to check w/his parents to see if he's got this or not. :)

  3. Even now the kids still love Thomas and Friends!

  4. My boys loved Thomas. I like that he and his friends teach morals. Now my cousin's son is really into him.

  5. my daughter really likes trains so i think she will love this movie...

  6. Everyone loves Thomas, I like that it teaches the kids about manners and important life lessons. I don't have this one yet for our little guy, will need to add to his stocking. Thank You for sharing.


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