Give A Gift Card and More - @snomee

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

When I was at Americas Mart, I got to learn of a pretty neat product,  Snomee!   Snomee is more than a snow globe... It is a snow globe that is also a gift card holder...  and also has a spot for you to make it a card to keep, instead of one that is quickly tossed in the trash!  

Snomee has snow globes that are sure to grab the eye for the gift giver and the recipient!
Snomee comes in many different scenes:
Multimedia, Reading, Music & Entertainment, Dining Out, Home Improvements, Fashion, Health & Beauty, Sports & Fitness, Coffee Breaks, Mall Buddy and Mystery Gift.  
I love that they were heavy enough that you can tell they are of a great quality, but they are light enough that kids will be able to shake and enjoy the snow.
I thought it was great that Snomee targeted all the different scenes that are popular today.
As you can see, I went with the Sports & Fitness...  I wasn't sure who would be the recipient of this, but I thought that this was a great selection... Although, I do love the Multimedia or the Reading ones for personal choice!
 Like I said, the cute thing about Snomee is that they are more than snow globes.  They open up to showcase that there is a gift card in there...   But even more, they have a place where you can write a message that will stay with the Snomee forever!
( I am thinking a cute message for a job well done... Going to college...  Winning an award...   Endless opportunities!)

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Aren't they just too neat?  


  1. I love a creative spin on traditional things!

  2. I heard a little about these last year but didn't pay attention to what they were. These are perfect for a little Toys R Us gift card for little man for Christmas!!

  3. That sure does make giving and getting them more fun!

  4. What a cute and decorative way to give a gift card! It's a holder that you can keep and put up on the shelf!


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