Hang'Em and Hatch'Em Eggs - Great Fun and Making Memories

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

This past Easter, we were lucky enough to review the Hide and Hatch Em Easter Eggs... 
Well how lucky are we that they reached out to see if we wanted to check out the Hang'em and Hatch'em Christmas Eggs?!  These eggs come in 3 different designs per box:  Red, Green and then a White with Gold Flecks!  

The eggs are made with a loop on them so that you can hang them on your Christmas Tree... or you can be like us and decide that the temptation to see what is inside is a bit too much and go ahead and get them to hatch!!!  See, Broxton is ready to go!!!!  We added each egg to a clear cup (doesn't need to be a clear cup, but he wanted to be able to watch to see when they would start hatching!)

We learned with the Easter Eggs that if you hold them under water (there are little holes on the top to let the water inside the egg)  they will crack faster.  So, we hold them under to let the water fill the inside of the egg, then we go on about our business, just waiting for them to hatch!  

It says that the eggs will hatch in a couple days, well... our first one hatched in a little over 24 hours!!!  Broxton was SO EXCITED to see the Polar Bear starting to emerge from the Egg!!!    He was so thrilled that we immediately had to go and peel it to get the polar bear (that he had to name Darth Vader!)
If you are looking for a fun gift (or just a great decoration item)  look no further than Hang'em and Hatch'em eggs!   They will be fun memories to look back on of the Holiday Season!


  1. such a cute idea! Ethan, my boyfriend, gave me something similar a few months ago that hatched a dinosaur. Love these things :)

  2. These kinds of things are always fun for the littles!

  3. This looks like a fun stocking stuffer that my grandsons would enjoy! What a great idea!

  4. That's fun! We have those pills that melt and have sponge animals inside. These look cooler.


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