Keep Them Smiling With KeeKee The Rocking Monkey

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Attention, attention!!!!
Have I got a great Christmas gift to tell you about!  
I have decided that I want to try and have game night more often with Broxton.  We play them from time to time, but I want try and start doing game night once a week... While I still can!  Soon enough he is going to be too busy for me, so I need to make the most out of it ! 
We were sent KeeKee the Rocking Monkey from Blue Orange Games for review and as soon as it arrived, Broxton had huge smiles on his face!  

Just look: 

With KeeKee the Rocking Monkey, the ways to play are endless...  Yes, directions came in the box for the actual game, but we were having fun playing all sorts of ways!
In the game, you have these cylinders that are different colors and sizes.

You are supposed to put the cylinders on KeeKee without tipping KeeKee over!  KeeKee will rock back and forth as you add the cylinders to it!  

We also worked on going from small to large...
We worked on dividing up between colors... 
We played this game for what seemed like HOURS!!!

 Then, Broxton decided that the object of the game was to try and stack them up to make KeeKee fall over...  He would stack them and have KeeKee fall over... again and again...

 Just look at the excitement on his face!  If you want to make your little ones smile like this... over and over again... You will really want to get this game!  We actually have it put in a location where Broxton can easily grab it... He has been known to sit and play KeeKee while I cook dinner, do dishes, laundry and more...
It is a fun game for one or more and I have loved having it available for him to play!!!

Score one for me on this!  I love seeing this kid smile and I am so very glad that we have KeeKee around to keep the smiles coming!  

This game is for ages 3 and up.


  1. I how much in got into the game. It looks like fun.

  2. That does look fun, and lol at the last pic. He likes the game, hahaha. Great photo!


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