Unique Gift Idea @cleatuscups

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

A product that I thought was pretty cool (at AmericasMart) was the Cleatus Cup.  
Not being one familiar with boats, I did not know that the handle was called a boat cleat... 
Talk about learning something new... 
Well, this company has gone "outside of the box."
They took a "boat cleat" and added a cup to it.

They have several different designs, I chose the one that went with a red/white/blue theme... Wonder why!

The added touch to a Cleatus Cup is the "fun meter" on the bottom.  
As you drink your beverage of choice, you can see the fun meter on the bottom of the cup.  I guess your fun meter might be running a little low when your beverage is low, so you can see its getting time to refill!  

I thought this was a different product and was actually quite neat.
Cleatus cups says they are dishwasher safe, but they recommend hand washing to protect the image.
Standing behind their product, Cleatus Cups says your cup " should not crack, melt, shatter or chip under normal wear and tear,"  if it does (within 5 years of purchase) they will replace them free of charge! 
Cleatus cups hold 24 ounces of your beverage of choice and get this... the cup floats!
I don't recommend having your drink in it and testing this... but I guess if you are out on the boat and the cup goes overboard, you don't have to worry about it sinking to the bottom... It should float on top for you to grab.  (I have NOT tested the "floating" out... so please know I am just saying that they say it floats.)

A few more things about Cleatus Cups -
You can contact them about making customized cups to fit your  needs.
(Fraternity, Sorority, Group, Function, Season, Vacation?  The list can go on and on...)
American Made...   Veteran Owned.

Follow Cleatus Cups - Facebook - Twitter 


  1. Kind of nice that it won't sink.. I think little guy would love playing with it the tub, might be a good way to test it. I see they are coming out with a clear (translucent) cup too.


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