Fun the Whole Year Long @Zing_Toys

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

It looks like I might be pretty much done with all of my Christmas Shopping this year!  I still need to figure out what to get my grandparents, as they are so hard to buy for... but everyone else is pretty much done...   Luckily for me with Broxton, he is getting plenty of toys!!! 
The latest sent here for review? 
A couple of awesome products from Zing Toys!!!!

Up first : The Zoom Zooka.
This is pretty awesome and it is so much more than just one toy.  
(You know how I love when you get your money's worth!!!)
This is "Kid Powered"  so you don't need to worry about batteries or anything like that... All you need is the product and the kid!!    Also, it comes with a plane, rockets and darts!  The best thing about it (to me) is that you can use it to shoot the different items I mentioned.. but you can also use it to shoot water!  Yes, you read that right!!!  You can use it during the summer as a water gun as well... but then you can use it indoors/outdoors to shoot the plane, rockets and darts!  

 The other product that we were sent?  The Zoom Rocketz!!!
Like the Zoom Zooka, it is also "kid powered!"
I am loving this company because of that... Not only do you have to worry about stocking up on batteries all the time, it also eliminates the waste of all of those batteries... but most importantly, it emphasizes the kids strength...   With the Zoom Rocketz, you STOMP on the launch pad... The harder you stomp, the further your rocket will soar!!!

 There are 3 settings that you can choose from to launch your rocket... Galaxy Blast, Arc Launch and Long Shot!!   I know that the boys will have a great time outside playing with these once he unwraps it at Christmas!!!  There are endless games that can be played and I can not wait to see them out there playing and laughing together.

Break away from the electronic activities and grab a couple of these great toys from Zing Toys for you and your family to play this holiday season!  Talk about making great memories!!!!

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  1. I know my boys would love these! I wrapped what is coming from us today. I think I'll have to hold a few things back for Easter and Isaak's birthday. I always buy more than they need. It's ok they get it eventually.

  2. This would def. be a hit in our house!!

  3. My oldest grandson would love the rocket launcher! We would have so much fun in the backyard playing with it!

  4. my kids are a little too young for this, maybe in a couple years :)

  5. Love a toy that is kid powered, the kids would love the Zing Air - Z-Curve Bow they have on the website... lots of fun toys.


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