The Big Bad Wolf Goes On Vacation

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I was not familiar with The Big Bad Wolf books until we were sent The Big Bad Wolf Goes on Vacation by Delphine Perret.  This is a cute book that has lots of sketches  on each page telling the story.
In The Big Bad Wolf Goes on Vacation, we meet Louis on his last night of school homework... He is easily distracted by the Big Bad Wolf.. and just wants to be able to go on vacation... then Bernard, the wold, wants to go on vacation too once he learns that is where Louis is headed !

This was a different kind of book to me.  I have let Broxton flip through the pages and tell me the stories that he wanted to make up... If you are into fun books about the Big Bad Wolf, check this one out!

The BIG BAD WOLF is back—and funnier (but not scarier) than ever!
wolf deserves a vacation too! Bernard, the ferociously funny wolf and clever, cookie-munching hero of Delphine Perret's award-winning book, certainly thinks so. So when he learns that his pal Louis is vacationing by the sea with his grandpa, Bernard wants to go too. He promises not to eat any children along the way (he’s a vegetarian).

Soon they're off on a wacky road trip complete with car seats filled with cookie crumbs and lots of laughs along the way.  The trip culminates with the perfect day on the beach where the three joyfully race into the sea. 


  1. It does sound fun, and I love the cover! That's a funny cover! :)


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