See Where You Can Purchase Paparte Personalized Products

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

While at Americas Mart, I was able to be totally impressed by a company that goes above and beyond with personalized gifts.  Paparte was the name of the company and I am so glad that I stepped off that escalator and met Joe!  
Paparte has a little bit of this and a whole lot of that.  

Paparte is your personalized gifts headquarters!
Now, the think is, you can not just go on their website and order items... 
You can request to learn more about where to shop and purchase their items, so head on over to see how to get something...
But here is the thing...
With most personalized items, you really do not get to totally personalize it. 
Normally, you have the print already selected, then you get to pick the font (and if you are lucky, the font color.)  Well not here.. 
Let me tell you how this works...
You select your item.   (I went with a tumbler)  
Then you select your background.
Then you go with your font and color. 

I have really enjoyed my tumbler.  It is totally for me - designed by me!
I don't have to share my cup, as it clearly has my name on it!!!! It has held up great.  (Hand wash only)
They have so much more than just tumblers though... 
They have wine glasses and shakers, pens and stationary, iphone cases and keychains and more!!!
So many items, so many designs... so many truly personalized items!  
This would make a great Christmas gift, a graduation present, teacher gift or perfect items to make a gift basket!

Head on over to see what all they offer... and see how to go about ordering for your gift giving needs! 


  1. These gifts are so cool! My children have unique names so I LOVE personalized items! :)

  2. You did a great job with the tumbler. I like that you get so much say so in the design!

  3. That is fun! I like sites where you can add names. My kid's names are so different. It's not easy finding products with their names. Really I can't find them. Even my name is hard to find. I can find Alyssa, but not Alissa.

  4. I love when a company like this, goes a little bit extra with personalization.

    Thanks for the intro Noelle


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