Salonpas Gel Brings Comfort to Those Who Need It

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

As a blogger, I get to learn about all sorts of new products and items... 
One item I was thrilled to learn about was Salonpas.  
If you remember, a bit ago we were sent Salonpas patches for review and both Marc and my mom were rather impressed...  My mom has issues with her knees and her back...  sees a doctor for it and is on medication.. but she swears by these Salonpas patches.  

Anyways, I was contacted to see if I wanted to review their newest product... 
Salonpas Gel.  I was eager to get my moms opinion on it, since she is in love with the patches and guess what... She is sold on this now too!!!  

I thought for sure that she would not like this (since the patch just seemed so easy to put on)  but according to her, this works amazing on her knees!   (No worries, she still uses the patches on her back... but the knees have a new love affair with this gel!)  
I will tell you... Marc tried it out on his neck... and it was the craziest thing... he immediately said his neck was on fire and had to jump in the shower to wash it off of him.  I could not figure it out, until he got out of the shower... Me- not being the smart one here - put it on him.. EXACTLY over where he had JUST shaved.  Yeah... I was trying to harm my husband!  No, seriously though... I did not realize he had JUST shaved... and it did burn him... but as I said... my mom uses it all the time and is so thankful for the relief that it brings her!  
The best thing was that the packaging we received included a $2 off coupon, so she was able to save more money on future purchases!  

I am glad that I was able to check this out, as it helps her out.. and who wants to see their loved one in pain?

From their site: 
New Salonpas® DEEP Relieving Gel is available at leading retailers nationwide. Designed to penetrate deep to relieve the toughest muscle and joint pain, Salonpas® DEEP Relieving Gel is an easy-to-use topical analgesic that starts to delivers pain relief in seconds. With three active ingredients, camphor (3.1%), menthol (10%) and methyl salicylate (15%), DEEP Relieving Gel rushes strong medicine where you need it in a fast-melting, quick-absorbing, clear, non-greasy formulation.


  1. I've heard very good things about this.
    Thanks for sharing!


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